Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Common Are Bunions?

Bunions are more common in women than in men. Less than a quarter of men have these bony bumps, compared with up to half of women. Women may get bunions more because they wear tighter shoes. But bunions also happen in 1 in 50 people in parts of the world where shoes aren't worn.

Bunions are also more common in older people than in younger people. About twice as many people over the age of 60 have bunions compared with people between the ages of 30 and 60.

Bunions are less common in children. A study of schoolchildren found that about 1 in 50 children ages 9 and 10 years had problems with their toe joints that can lead to bunions.
Girls were more likely to have a big toe out of line than boys.

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