Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Don't Ignore Flat Feet

Treatment and prevention of adult flatfoot can reduce the incidence of additional foot problems such as bunions, hammertoes, arthritis, and calluses, and improve a person's overall health.

Overweight males in white-collar jobs are most apt to suffer from adult flatfoot disorder, a progressive condition characterized by partial or total collapse of the arch. Symptoms of adult flatfoot include pain, swelling, flattening of the arch and an inward rolling of the ankle. Because flatfoot is a progressive disorder by nature, the study suggests that neglecting treatment or preventive care can lead to arthritis, loss of function of the foot and other painful disorders.

Flatfoot disorder may gradually worsen to the point that many of the tendons and ligaments in the foot and ankle are simply overworking, often to the point where they tear and/or rupture. In many cases, flatfoot can be treated with non-surgical approaches including orthotic devices or bracing, immobilization, physical therapy, medication and shoe modifications. In some patients whose pain is not adequately relieved by conservative treatments, there are a variety of surgical techniques available to correct flatfoot and improve foot function. Also, here at the office we have a plethora of  Flat Feet or (Flat Arch) products that you may be interested in.

As in most progressive foot disorders, early treatment for flatfoot disorder is also the patient's best route for optimal success in controlling symptoms and additional damage to the feet.  Here at Dr. Vail's we want to get our patients active, healthy, and pain free as possible.

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