Here are some things to consider as you are looking at your nails.
Beau's lines are horizontal depressions in your fingernail. These lines can occur after a severe illness, injury to the nail or if you have had surgery. You can also have these lines if you are malnourished.
Brittle nails are often a result of aging, but not necessarily. Certain diseases and conditions can result in having brittle nails. Long-term exposure to nail polish or moisture can cause nails to peel and become brittle. Thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can also cause brittle nails or cause a splitting of the nail bed from the nail plate.
Koilonychia is when you have an abnormal shaped nail. The nail has raised ridges, is thin and curves inward. This disorder is associated with iron deficiency anemia.
Leukonychia is when you have white streaks or spots on the nails. Leukonychia can be present with arsenic poisoning, renal failure, or pneumonia. It can also be a rare side effect in systemic chemotherapy.
Pitting is having the presence of small depressions on the nail's surface. Sometimes the nail is also crumbling. The nail can also become loose and sometimes falls off. Psoriasis may cause pitting as well as splitting of the nail plate from the nail bed.
Ridges are tiny, raised lines that develop on the nail. These lines can form across or up and down on the nail. Chronic picking or rubbing of the skin behind the nail can cause you to have a washboard nail.
Some other ways you can develop nail abnormalities are through an injury to the base of the nail. If this happens, the deformity may be permanent. Infections can also cause you to have an abnormality. Fungus or yeast can cause a change in color, texture and the shape of your nail. A bacterial infection can cause a change in color as well, but there may be painful areas of infection under or surrounding the skin of the nail. If you have a severe infection, it could result in the loss of the nail.
For discoloration or yellowing of the nail, you can try NonyX Nail Gel. This gel will help clear out the
discoloring keratin debris under the nail. NonyX nail gel can be used on dark or yellowed nails. The gel breaks down and removes the yellow or darkened build-up and will help keep your nails looking clear and attractive with regular use.

Poisons can also have an effect on your nails. Arsenic poisoning can result in white lines and horizontal ridges on the nail. If you ingest silver, this can turn your nails blue.
You should seek medical attention when you have any of the following symptoms:
- Blue nails
- Clubbed nails
- Distorted nails
- Horizontal ridges
- Pale nails
- White lines
- White color under the nails
- Avoid biting, picking or tearing at your nails.
- Clip hangnails, do not pull at them.
- Wear shoes that do not squeeze the toes together.
- Always cut toenails straight across along the top.
- To prevent brittle nails, keep them short and avoid nail polish. Use a skin softening cream after washing hands and feet.
If you have concerns regarding your nail health, call 419-423-1888 or visit our website at to schedule your appointment with Dr. Vail.
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